Sunday, April 23, 2006

Lazy Swallow...

Oh no, I am slowly but surely becoming a Jazz fan!

Also, the cover of Wonderwall by Ryan Adams is phenomenal. Its extra amazing.
It's like..oh, I dont know! Its like a drippy, sticky popsicle on a hot summer day. The good kind.

maybe I'm amazed at the way I really need you.

I need to know why i feel compelled to be in a relationship recently.
I mean, it might be that all of a sudden
everyone I know is pairing off, and thats just a little weird.

friend: you know, just when you think you're the most disgusting
friend: and then life proves it to you
friend: i know, but its' hard you know?
friend: you tell yourself they will love me for me
friend: and then nobody but your friends and family love you
friend: i mean that's enough
friend: i love you all, but a guy is ok once in a while

drunk people can be so eloquent and smart.


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