Saturday, April 22, 2006

Woh Lamhe...

So I have this one friend, lets call him Resh.
Resh and I have been friends since...way back in the day.
But, we didnt really start actually talking until I was a senior in high school.
And now sometimes I get pangs, where I need to talk to Resh.
Without a doubt, there is NOTHING taboo with Resh. I can talk to the kid about anything and everything. And usually we end up doing just that. I stopped being shy around him, and started to trust. Which is funny, I don't really feel like I can trust anyone BUT him. Sure, theres Captain PS and the entire leauge of superness...but sometimes I just want to punch them in the faces they talk to each other so much! With Resh, you know he wont tell a soul.


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