Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The League of Superness

I am going to paint you a scenario..in the form of a play like script thing.

Enter Heroine.
Enter Hero.
Fight again.
Embrace again.

End Scene.
Ah, the things my poetic little mind thinks up. Notice how the words form the shape of an hour glass...no small coincidence I assure you.

I have these two goofy friends. Let's call them...er..I don't want to give anything away..but lets call them Wonderboy and Wondergirl.

Anyway, at one point in time it seemed to me that Wonderboy and Wondergirl were fast on their way to becoming a couple...even though nothing was certain.

Well, one fine day Wondergirl calls me up for a chat. Lah de dah, shit happens and Wondergirl shocks me by telling me that (gasp!) she isn't all too fond of Wonderboy and thinks that maybe Superkid is more up to speed for her.
And thus begins the saga of Superkid and Wondergirl

Turns out that Wondergirl and Superkid make an amazing crime fighting duo. I mean, seriously, bad guy butt is kicked on a daily basis
and the streets of the metropolis are safe once again.

And like any crime fighting super duo, Wondergirl and Superkid have their spats. I mean, how can any super team not? I'm sure somewhere along the way Batman wanted to beat Robin over the head with his utility belt and vice versa.

I love both Wondergirl and Superkid dearly, in fact, I think that they along with other members of the League of Superness (yes, damnit, im cool enough to make up my own words) are the only reason I can claim sanity.

Speaking of the League of Superness, let me give you a run down:

1. Wondergirl- Ah, my one true love. Wondergirl has managed to seamlessly integrate herself into my family and daily life. This takes her one step closer to taking over the world, one desi household at a time. She's devious, that Wondergirl. I often answer my parents questions about how Wondergirl and her parents are.

2. Superkid- The other half of the crime fighting duo of the century. Superkid never fails to make me burst into laughter. In fact, I'm sure that on more than one occasion, Superkid has reduced me to tears. When Superkid is around, there is no need to frown. I'm not saying that the only reason we keep Superkid around is for the laughs, its the biggest reason, but not the only one

3. Captain PS- I could write an entire blog about Captain PS, fortunatly, I don't really have the patience to do that. Anyway, CPS is the keeper of all secrets, small and large. He is the equal and opposite reaction to me. Sometimes I get really hurt and disappointed by CPS, but he manages to superglue my heart back together, until the next time he breaks it, that is.

4. The Masked Man- The Masked Man only exists for one purpose in my life..to confuse the hell out of me. He knows who he is, I know who is he, but no one else does. Okay, I lied, TMM also exists to make me happy. Very happy Neha almost always emerges after she meets with TMM.

ps: damn you Wondergirl for figuring out my life! damn you. Love you baby! :-*


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