Monday, April 02, 2007

Courage comes in many shapes and forms.

I wish for things a lot.

I wish for the calm idleness of summers past
the newness of the beginning of fall
the birth of spring, when the air smells like fresh rain and blooming flowers

a year is approaching, a year.
a landmark, a point in time to remember, commiserate, etcetera.
Have I changed at all in the year past? Grown or learned things?
Maybe, Maybe not.
I'm different surely, but then again, I was different yesterday too.

I wish there was a perfect, beautiful word for constant longing.
The kind that you have to live with, no matter where you are, or what you're doing

When I'm here, I long for my family. An ache that seems to be with me all the time. I ache for the comfort of my home, of just being with them.
My brother, my mother, my father, and my Grandmother.
When I'm there, I long for my friends here.

Its basically a lose lose situation.

Music awakens memories.



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